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I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to drive to Miami with Her or have my auny fly me down. Driving would take roughly eight hours or spans flying would be something like 3. No comparison. I decided to take the more pocket-friendly way of going. Plus I knew She wanted to go 😛
So I decided to drive down to miami with Her. And DUBIE! We decide to head out for breakfast at Chic-fil-a after we loaded the car and get on the way. After placing our order for two spicy chicken biscuits (I LOVE their coupons and daily deals. If you don’t go in and get a calendar, fool-hardy are thee!) We pull up and the serviceman <× (what else would you call em?) tells us the person in front of us paid for our meal.

Now, I remember reading an article a couple of years ago about the same thing happening. A starbuck’s in WA had someone do the same thing. Each person that pulled into the drive-thr(o)u(gh) had their meal paid for and paid for the person behind them. The interesting thing about the event is that it lasted EIGHT HOURS!

How dope is that? To pass on some energy and not even know how long or fmhow far that small bit of kindness went to affecting someone else’s life.
Not only that but there is a selfish part of us that would be a little curious as to how long something like that could last, only to read it in the paper or on a cable news network.
That’s huge.
I always wondered what kind of person that was but I would never remember to start it. Coupled with the decline in how often I go out to eat, the only thing on my mind is food.

Instead, whenever I have some idle time, I’ll try to make the lives of those around me a little brighter. No matter how slight.
Let’s see how far that gets me.

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