The Sub with Real power

This blog’s main theme is regarding love. To speak on love and it’s role in our lives, I have to talk about someone who’s been influential in mine: Dr. Joseph Murphy. His thoughts on the subconscious mind have help reshape how I attract and maintain my lovely beliefs.

Murphy believed in the omnipotence of the mind, stating that “all is mind.” This phrase encapsulates the essence of his teachings, suggesting that our reality is a mirror directly reflecting our inner thoughts and beliefs. He posits that our mental states, conscious to subconscious, shape our experiences, molding our world into the image our minds project.

The subconscious mind, according to Murphy, perceives the world with intuitive faculties. It communicates not through words or logical reasoning, but through feelings, impressions, and instincts, so long as we’ve developed the awareness if it’s communication styles. For instance, when we have a gut feeling about something, it is our subconscious mind at work. It is the primal, intuitive part of us that often understands the reality of situations before our conscious mind does.

Murphy also spoke at length about how the subconscious mind responds to the nature of our thoughts. Our subconscious mind is like fertile soil, ready to grow whatever seeds (thoughts) we plant in it. If we plant seeds of positivity, we reap a harvest of positive outcomes. Conversely, if we sow seeds of negativity, we harvest negative results. The subconscious mind, impartial and unbiased, acts on the thoughts we feed it. Just as a garden is ready to grow the seeds of poisonous plants as well as those that bear fruit, the subconscious mind has no preference.

At its core, the subconscious mind accepts what we believe to be true. For Murphy, belief was not a matter of right or wrong, but a matter of conviction and acceptance. It doesn’t judge or evaluate; it simply accepts. If we believe in our success, our subconscious mind works tirelessly to manifest that success. If we believe in our failure, it will manifest that as well. Attracting love is just as much the work of the subconscious mind as it is the effort of the conscious, thinking and strategizing mind.

According to Murphy, the subconscious proceeds to create the results of what it believes to be in line with the truth the conscious mind believes to be true. This means that our subconscious mind is constantly at work, translating our beliefs into reality. It doesn’t question or contradict our conscious mind. Instead, it faithfully reproduces in our lives the beliefs we hold in our conscious mind.

The understanding of the subconscious mind’s power is both enlightening and empowering. It underscores the power of belief, the impact of our thoughts, and the immense potential that lies within each of us. By harnessing this power, we can reshape our lives and sculpt our destinies.

In the words of Dr. Joseph Murphy: “Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass. Believe in good fortune, divine guidance, right action, and all the blessings of life”​.

Knowing this, we can realize the profound potential of our minds and start the journey of conscious living. We can begin to understand that our beliefs are not just passive thoughts, but powerful tools that can shape our reality. Through this understanding, we can become the architects of our destiny, consciously designing our lives in alignment with our deepest desires and aspirations.

“They say your attitude, determines your latitude…” – Kanye West

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