Is ‘Never Better’ Lazy?

Coming across agnb on the gram made me wonder what that phrase meant;to me, to the creators, and to the community.

To the extreme, one portion of the community would nama-say all is perfect. All [is] Good. We are living the only possible life, and it’s going exactly on schedule. Struggling against the flow causes ripples, that affect the lives of everyone else flowing down this channel of life.

All good also means I deliberately choose to focus on the good, those things that elevate MY life and the world I’m exposed to. Here, ALL is, but my all is good. My parents, my kids, my dog, my neighbor, my best friends are set. Whether I made their meal, or bought them a house, I know they do not have dread in their near future.

Never Better gave me a chance to debate my natural opposition. Always helps when someone feels the same you do re: a topic.

How can “Never Better” be positive?

You’ve given up on what it is to live if you are incapable of betterment.


Can we enjoy contentment? Is that stagnation?







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