Comment 1
Keeping your cover letter on TARGET by Meshae Hankerson
It’s funny how basic we need to keep our cover letters but it’s still necessary to customize per application. Many cover letters are pretty generic and I’ve even seen some that are way too gaudy. I’m sure event planning and coordination positions have to yield a certain… pizzaz and creativity. Hopefully music and representation will show the same open eye towards out-of-the-box notions.
Comment 2
Topic of the Week: Haiti and Social Media
unfortunately natural disasters always serve as double-edged swords. In this case, we have devastation to a people who barely have anything to begin with. On the other, we have the world united at their back. Social media has made it extremely easy to get the stories of strife and struggle to the masses. We, in turn, have the ability to donate with a simple text message. I can’t think of any other relief efforts that yielded such a favorable and expeditious response. One can hope that we don’t forget in month’s time. Great post James.