Girl vs. Lady

I had a paper due recently and one of the questions I came up with was:

Would you rather be called a girl or a lady?

The class I did this for was Gender and Communication and the reason  I chose this question was to gain an understanding of how females (neutral term) perceive the two words.

Everyone I knew that was asked said they would rather be called a lady;  I found this interesting because of how obvious the question seemed to be. Many didn’t even hesitate when answering. It was almost a thoughtless response.

I felt felames would have picked up on the loaded question. I am  labeling a girl as “better” because it subjects them to the standards and images of beauty and etiquette isn’t even set by a woman. True, “girl” does imply childishness and irresponsibility. It has the stigma of immaturity and selfishness. But when one sits to think, aren’t those qualities encouraged in males? Don’t I want to be a “kid” forever? Doesn’t immaturity run seep into the subconscious of males that allows us to revel in a good fart or a joke at the demise of others?

Maybe I’m so anti-establishment that any and everything has to be questioned. “Being a lady” accepts the standards set forth forth and prevents you from doing things you may like or need. wearing heels can’t be comfortable, no matter how “comfortable” they may be after years of training.

I submit to you again. Which would you rather be labeled as: lady or girl?

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